Скратено работно време на УАКС
Во летниот период од 08.07.2019 до 20.08.2019 година, работното време на Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје започнува во 08:00 часот, а завршува во 16:30 часот.
Во летниот период од 08.07.2019 до 20.08.2019 година, работното време на Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје започнува во 08:00 часот, а завршува во 16:30 часот.
IdeaMakers – Driving Digital Innovation Challenge What is IdeaMakers challenge about?An university-wide challenge held from 19-22 November with a final pitch on 27 November. Track 1- Corporate Innovation and New Ventures Track 2 –Social Innovation A primary requirement is that the solution must leverage technology as a key component of the business model.Teams of 2-5 undergraduate students from…
Почитувани, Во име на Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје, на сите припадници од православна вероисповед им го честитаме претстојниот празник, 19 јануари – Богојавление (Водици). Ве известуваме дека по повод празникот, неработни денови на УАКС ќе бидат следните: 18 јануари 2021 година (понеделник) 19 јануари 2021 година (вторник) На овие денови, Универзитетот ќе биде…
The student ombudsman serves a term of 2 years and represents and defends the rights of students. It is a position that guarantees a resource for students through which they can be informed about their rights, as well as recommendations for future changes. It is chosen by the student assembly. To learn more about the…
On 30 November, UACS students from the School of Foreign Languages attended an online guest lecture delivered by Prof. Mariko Eguchi from the University of Shimane, Japan. The students had the oportunity to learn about the Japanese traditional performing art Kagura which is believed to be the oldest form of entertainment in Japan. Students were…
Today, within the course Introduction to Management, students had the opportunity to get acquainted with the process of operational management of the brand TAZE in the country. We would like to express our gratitude to Ratka Pemova, Marketing Director of the company, for capturing the process from idea to realization of a product in an…
On December 10th, 2024 at University American College Skopje (UACS), a workshop on “How Can We Protect Current and Future Generations from Its Harmful Effects?” was hosted. The event brought together 4th year psychology students following the course of Clinical Psychology led by Associate Prof. Dimitrinka Jordanova Peshevska and 1st students from the School of…