On October 5th 2019, UACS held the 10th Graduation Ceremony at Hotel Aleksandar Palace. It marks the point at which students leave our university to make their way in the world. Undergraduate and graduate students, along with their families and friends, members of the business community, friends of UACS and many more were present to witness the graduation of the generation 2019 of students at UACS. A special address was given to the students by the Marketing Manager at KFC Macedonia and UACS Alumni, mr. Nikola Ilievski. As tradition goes, the rector prof. Tome Nenovski, PhD gave the closing remarks and announced the official matriculation of the generation.
On October 5th 2017, UACS held the 10th Graduation Ceremony at Hotel Aleksandar Palace. It marks the point at which students leave our university to make their way in the world. Undergraduate and graduate students, along with their families and friends, members of the business community, friends of UACS and many more were present to witness the graduation of the generation 2017 of students at UACS. A special address was given to the students by the renowned mountain climber and most renowned heart surgeon in Macedonia, prof. Sashko Kedev, MD. As tradition goes, the rector prof. Marjan Bojadjiev, PhD gave the closing remarks and announced the official matriculation of the generation.
On 23d of September, UACS held the 8th Graduation Ceremony at Hotel Aleksandar Palace. It marks the point at which students leave our university to make their way in the world. Undergraduate and graduate students, along with their families and friends, members of the business community, friends of UACS and many more were present to witness the graduation of the generation 2015 of students at UACS.
On the 11th of September, 2013, a ceremony was held awarding diplomas to the graduating students of UACS. The ceremony was opened byDr. Nikica Mojsoska-Blazevski, Dean of the School of Business Economics and Management, who had the honor to award master theses of UACS graduate students. Next, Dr. Marjan Bojadziev, Rector of UACS,He presented the diplomas.
The ceremony wrapped up with a speech from the Student of the Generation, Marko Todorovski.
The 2011 Graduation Ceremony took place at Hotel Aleksandar Palace, Skopje, on Wednesday, September 14th, 2011, marking the point at which students leave our University to make their way in the world. Undergraduate and graduate students, along with their families and friends, members of the business community, friends of UACS and many more were present to honored quests of ceremony Pance Kralev, Minister of Education and Science, presented a speech and congratulated students.
The Graduation Ceremony of 2009 was held on September 9th, 2009, at Hotel Bellevue. Undergraduate and graduate students, with their family and friends, members of the business community, friends of UACS and many more were present to honored guest of the ceremony included Luan Starova, PhD, who addressed the students and gave them a congratulation speech.
On October 5th 2018, UACS held the 11th Graduation Ceremony at Hotel Aleksandar Palace. It marks the point at which students leave our university to make their way in the world. Undergraduate and graduate students, along with their families and friends, members of the business community, friends of UACS and many more were present to witness the graduation of the generation 2018 of students at UACS. A special address was given to the students by the renowned mr. Branko Ognjanovski owner and Tv character of K-15 Tv show in Macedonia. As tradition goes, the rector prof. Marjan Bojadjiev, PhD gave the closing remarks and announced the official matriculation of the generation.
The 9th Graduation Ceremony was held on 21.09.2016 and marked the point of matriculation of our undergraduates and graduates. Marjan Bojadziev, PhD, Rector of UACS, welcomed all the participants and expressed his satisfaction of the numerous youth prepared for the future, ready to contribute to our society and our country. This years guest from the business community was established and well know businessman prof. d-r. Koco Angjusev, who gave an inspiring speech on the many crossroads in life and how graduates should pursue their own path among them.
The 7th Graduation Ceremony took place in Aleksandar Palace ,with this annual ceremony we are marking the point at which students leave our University to make their way in the world.
Dr. Marjan Bojadziev, Rector of UACS, welcomed all the participants and expressed his satisfaction of the numerous youth prepared for the future, ready to contribute to our society and our country.
On the 19th of September, 2012, a ceremony was held to begin the new academic year 2012/2013 at Hotel Aleksandar Palace, Skopje. Future students, their parents and professors, representatives from the business community and diplomatic corps in Macedonia attended the Opening Ceremony of UACS. The official beginning of the new academic year was set forth by Rector Marjan Bojadziev, PhD, welcoming the freshman and encouraging them in acquiring practical skills and knowledge to be applied at UACS.
Undergraduate and graduate students, along with their families and friends, members of the business community, friends of UACS and many more were present to honored guests of the ceremony included Dr. Venko Andonovski, who addressed the students and gave the congratulation speech. Once students graduate from UACS, they become a lifelong member of the University American College Skopje Alumni Network.
The first UACS graduation ceremony was held on June 11th 2008, at the Monastery St. Pantheleimon in Skopje. Her Excellency Gillian Milovanovic, the US Ambassador to Macedonia, congratulated the graduating students with a short graduation speech.Her Excellency Gillian Milovanovic, the US Ambassador to Macedonia, congratulated the graduating students with a short graduation speech.
On October 5th 2018, UACS held the 11th Graduation Ceremony at Hotel Aleksandar Palace. It marks the point at which students leave our university to make their way in the world. Undergraduate and graduate students, along with their families and friends, members of the business community, friends of UACS and many more were present to witness the graduation of the generation 2018 of students at UACS. A special address was given to the students by the renowned mr. Branko Ognjanovski owner and Tv character of K-15 Tv show in Macedonia. As tradition goes, the rector prof. Marjan Bojadjiev, PhD gave the closing remarks and announced the official matriculation of the generation.

On October 5th 2017, UACS held the 10th Graduation Ceremony at Hotel Aleksandar Palace. It marks the point at which students leave our university to make their way in the world. Undergraduate and graduate students, along with their families and friends, members of the business community, friends of UACS and many more were present to witness the graduation of the generation 2017 of students at UACS. A special address was given to the students by the renowned mountain climber and most renowned heart surgeon in Macedonia, prof. Sashko Kedev, MD. As tradition goes, the rector prof. Marjan Bojadjiev, PhD gave the closing remarks and announced the official matriculation of the generation.
On 23d of September, UACS held the 8th Graduation Ceremony at Hotel Aleksandar Palace. It marks the point at which students leave our university to make their way in the world. Undergraduate and graduate students, along with their families and friends, members of the business community, friends of UACS and many more were present to witness the graduation of the generation 2015 of students at UACS.
On the 11th of September, 2013, a ceremony was held awarding diplomas to the graduating students of UACS. The ceremony was opened byDr. Nikica Mojsoska-Blazevski, Dean of the School of Business Economics and Management, who had the honor to award master theses of UACS graduate students. Next, Dr. Marjan Bojadziev, Rector of UACS,He presented the diplomas.
The ceremony wrapped up with a speech from the Student of the Generation, Marko Todorovski.
The 2011 Graduation Ceremony took place at Hotel Aleksandar Palace, Skopje, on Wednesday, September 14th, 2011, marking the point at which students leave our University to make their way in the world. Undergraduate and graduate students, along with their families and friends, members of the business community, friends of UACS and many more were present to honored quests of ceremony Pance Kralev, Minister of Education and Science, presented a speech and congratulated students.
The Graduation Ceremony of 2009 was held on September 9th, 2009, at Hotel Bellevue. Undergraduate and graduate students, with their family and friends, members of the business community, friends of UACS and many more were present to honored guest of the ceremony included Luan Starova, PhD, who addressed the students and gave them a congratulation speech.
The 9th Graduation Ceremony was held on 21.09.2016 and marked the point of matriculation of our undergraduates and graduates. Marjan Bojadziev, PhD, Rector of UACS, welcomed all the participants and expressed his satisfaction of the numerous youth prepared for the future, ready to contribute to our society and our country. This years guest from the business community was established and well know businessman prof. d-r. Koco Angjusev, who gave an inspiring speech on the many crossroads in life and how graduates should pursue their own path among them.
The 7th Graduation Ceremony took place in Aleksandar Palace ,with this annual ceremony we are marking the point at which students leave our University to make their way in the world.
Dr. Marjan Bojadziev, Rector of UACS, welcomed all the participants and expressed his satisfaction of the numerous youth prepared for the future, ready to contribute to our society and our country.
On the 19th of September, 2012, a ceremony was held to begin the new academic year 2012/2013 at Hotel Aleksandar Palace, Skopje. Future students, their parents and professors, representatives from the business community and diplomatic corps in Macedonia attended the Opening Ceremony of UACS. The official beginning of the new academic year was set forth by Rector Marjan Bojadziev, PhD, welcoming the freshman and encouraging them in acquiring practical skills and knowledge to be applied at UACS.
Undergraduate and graduate students, along with their families and friends, members of the business community, friends of UACS and many more were present to honored guests of the ceremony included Dr. Venko Andonovski, who addressed the students and gave the congratulation speech. Once students graduate from UACS, they become a lifelong member of the University American College Skopje Alumni Network.
The first UACS graduation ceremony was held on June 11th 2008, at the Monastery St. Pantheleimon in Skopje. Her Excellency Gillian Milovanovic, the US Ambassador to Macedonia, congratulated the graduating students with a short graduation speech.Her Excellency Gillian Milovanovic, the US Ambassador to Macedonia, congratulated the graduating students with a short graduation speech.