Kapital interviews Marija Anastasovska Nikolova, Ph.D. and graduate at the UACS Doctoral School
“The Skills and Knowledge Gained During My Doctoral Studies Helped Me Raise My Research Abilities to a Higher Level.”
“The Skills and Knowledge Gained During My Doctoral Studies Helped Me Raise My Research Abilities to a Higher Level.”
Dear All, University American College Skopje would like to congratulate all Orthodox Christians on the upcoming Easter holidays. May these festive days bring you and your closest ones good health, well-being, inner peace, and may your homes be filled with warmth and love. Non-working days at UACS will be the following: 6 April 2018 (Friday) – Good Friday…
Today, our students from the School of Business Economics and Management visited the factory for the production of cement and concrete – Cementarnica Usje, under the international corporation Titan. This visit was facilitated by Professor Dr. Zoran Šapurić, by the SBEM course: “Ecology and Sustainable Development”. During their visit, the students had the opportunity to…
On Monday, May 8th, our Marketing Communications and Media professor Ms. Nadica Jovanovska Boshkovska, PhD hosted the Guest Lecturer Mr. George Stamkoski, Producer-Director of Volatile Media Ltd., UK & Macedonia. Mr. Stamkoski held a guided session for treatment writing. The students were asked to work on either a fictional or a factually based TV programme…
Prof. Bert Twaalfhoven, PhD, Doctor Honoris Cause and friend of University American College Skopje (UACS) passed away on November 22, 2023. He was the cofounder of the first venture capital (VC) foundation in The Netherlands. He was a serial entrepreneur, founder of more than 54 businesses in Italy, France, Germany, Belgium, Russia, Ukraine, U.K., U.S.,…
On 17 April 2019, Dr Agnieszka Bedkowska-Kopczyk, Assistant Professor from the University of Graz, Austria, gave a linguistics guest lecture at the UACS School of Foreign Languages. The presentation (part of her recent study) titled ‘Being moved, touched, shaken: How sensory-motor experience shapes conceptualization of mental states in English and Slavic languages (Evidence from Polish,…
Today, as part of the International Week at UACS, guest lecture on the topic “Inflation, output and economic policy in time of COVID-19 in India” was held by Ms. ALKA SINGH. Alka Singh is an economics teacher coming from India. Firmly believing in Kautilya’s saying – “Don’t be afraid of failure and don’t abandon it. People who…