UACS students of School of Foreign Languages visited the offices of Ad Verbum

The School of Business Economics and Management (SBEM) presents the first edition of its “International Teaching Week” event, “Multicultural understanding – Are you ready for going Global? During the weeks 18 to 22 November 2019 (Fall semester), UACS School of Business Economics and Management (SBEM) welcomes academics from around the world, from international universities. This will be a week of lectures held by academics…
The University American College Skopje signed an agreement for exchange of students, professors and scientific cooperation with the University of Andorra. From now on, students and professors from both universities will have the opportunity to work more closely together. The UACS representatives, prof. Dusica Stevcevska Srbinoska and prof. Igor Srbinoski had the opportunity to learn…
Оur faculty member, Vladimir Deskov, PhD c., displayed his exhibition at the MC Gallery in New York. The exhibition was titled “Constructing a Modernist Utopia: The Architecture of The Post-Earthquake Renewal of Skopje, 1963-1981” Here is a an excerpt of the official site announcing the exhibition, and more information can be found on the following…
UNIVERSITY AMERICAN COLLEGE SKOPJECordially invites you to attend our traditional OPENING CEREMONY OF ACADEMIC YEAR 2019/2020 Monday, September 23 rd , 2019, 19:00h, Hotel Aleksandar Palace, Skopje RSVP by September 18 th , 2019 at: code: Formal
This year UACS is a host to 16 International students from all around the world. To show them our Macedonian hospitality and soak up the nice sunny weather, last Friday we took our students to the famous Millennium Cross where we hiked, enjoyed the fresh air and after that we hit the go carts for…
UACS students from the School of Foreign Language participated with the proofreading of more than 1000 articles at Trainers Library Platform 📚. This platform serves as a resource center for all trainers working with non-formal education within the Erasmus+ program🌏‼️ The Trainers Library is a platform and a community of self-directed learners willing to take…